Funding sources and salary support
This work was supported by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (MOP-84314 and MOP-123433 to A.-C.G), the government of Ontario via a Global Leadership Round in Genomics and Life Sciences (TP, J.W. and ACG). ACG is the Canada Research Chair in Functional Proteomics and the Lea Reichmann Chair in Cancer Proteomics. JDRK was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation.
Other acknowledgements:
We thank Marilyn Goudreault and Lisset Llano for assistance with construct generation and cell lines, Guomin Liu and Jian Pian Zhang for the design of the website and Brett Larsen and Monika Tucholska for expert advice on mass spectrometry. We thank Sebastian Guettler for the LATS1 cDNA, Caroline Badouel for the YAP1 cDNA, Linda McBroom-Cerajewski for Strn and STRN3 entry vectors, Chris Go for the TJP2 expression vector, and Beatriz Gonzalez Badillo for the PPP2R1A and PPP2R2A expression constructs. We thank Helen McNeill, Liliana Attisano, Zach Steinhart and Stephane Angers for the helpful discussions. We thank Brian Raught and Payman Samavarchi-Tehrani for critical reading of the manuscript.