DataSets / Project home (Myotubularins in abscission) / Participants
Project participants
Nicole St-Denis, postdoctoral fellow, Gingras and Pelletier aboratories
Gagan D. Gupta, research associate, Pelletier laboratory
Zhen Yuan Lin, technician, Gingras laboratory
Beatriz Gonzalez-Badillo, technician, Gingras laboratory
Laurence Pelletier
Anne-Claude Gingras
From the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, 600 University Avenue, Toronto, ON M5G 1X5, Canada; ACG and LP are cross-appointed in the Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto, Toronto ON M5S 1A8, Canada.
Laurence Pelletier and Anne-Claude Gingras are co-corresponding authors on this work.