DataSets / Project home (RNA Bodies) / Participants
Jiyoung Youn, postdoctoral fellow, Gingras lab.
Wade H. Dunham, research assistant, Gingras lab.
Seo-Jung (Debbie) Hong, research assistant, Gingras lab.
James D.R. Knight, software engineer, Gingras lab.
Ginny I. Chen, PhD student (graduated), Gingras lab.
Halil Bagci, PhD student, Côté lab.
Mikhail Bashkurov, NBCC high content manager, Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute.
Bhavisha Rathod, research assistant, Gingras lab.
Graham MacLeod, postdoctoral fellow, Angers lab.
Simon W.M. Eng, PhD student, Morris lab.
Stéphane Angers, University of Toronto.
Quaid Morris, University of Toronto.
Marc Fabian, Lady Davis Institute, Montreal.
Jean-François Côté, Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montréal, Montreal.
Anne-Claude Gingras, Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Toronto.

Author contributions:
Conceptualization, J.Y.Y., W.H.D. and A.C.G; Methodology, J.Y.Y., W.H.D. and A.C.G.; Software, S.W.M.E. and J.D.R.K.; Investigation, J.Y.Y., W.H.D., S.J.H., G.I.C., H.B., B.R.; Formal analysis, J.D.R.K., A.-C.G. and J.Y.Y.; Resources, G.M. and S.A.; Data Curation, J.Y.Y. and A.G.G.; Writing – Original draft, J.Y.Y., J.D.R.K. and A.C.G.; Writing – Review and Editing, M.B., S.J.H., M.F., J.Y.Y., J.D.R.K. and A.C.G.; Supervision, S.A., Q.M., J.F.C. and A.C.G; Project Administration, A.C.G; and Funding Acquisition, A.C.G.

We thank Brett Larsen for help with mass spectrometry data acquisition and analysis, Guomin Liu and Jian Ping Zhang for help with ProHits and ProHits-web, Swetha Narala for performing IP-western validation, Sally Tisayakorn for the PPP4R3A deletion constructs, and Brian Raught, Geoffrey Hesketh and Payman Samavarchi-Tehrani for critical review of the manuscript. We thank the following investigators for kind gifts of reagents: Atina Coté, Fritz Roth, and Marc Vidal lab for ANKR17 and UNK constructs from an unpublished ORFeome library, Jerry Pelletier for the kind gift of eIF4A inhibitors and the DDX3X construct, Hana Antonicka and Eric Shoubridge for the ZC3HAV1 cell lines and Sally Cheung and Laurence Pelletier for the CEP85 cell line.